Project: The Futures of Psychological Well-being (Dossier)
Program/Class: Foresight and Strategy Development, MDes, OCAD U
Date: April 2021
Responsibilities: Research, trend scanning, foresight scenario development, strategy development

This comprehensive dossier is a the final project of two classes: Foresight Studio and Strategy Development. It showcases the term’s projects developed for a fictional company, Wemedics, as a client consultation. The dossier includes the below sections to provide an organization on how to navigate the future.

  • Horizon Scanning: Trends and Drivers
  • Foresight Scenarios
  • Artifacts of the Future
  • Strategy Development
  • Windtunneling (testing strategies against possible futures)

This follows Wemedics, an affective computing company, and the future of space. Our team used foresight methods to explore the evolution of space in 20 years, creating four distinct futures, accompanied by future artifacts. We then created a variety of strategic options and through “windtunnelling,” developed a recommendation for how Wemedics could approach the futures of space.

I specifically developed the Cloud State scenario and day-in-the-life story.

Team: Alejandra Farías, Carrie Emblem, Danielle Lim, Eva Ng

Download Full Dossier (PDF)
Foresight Scenarios

Future Artifacts

Illustrations by Alejandra Farías

Time Machine - Psychological Wellbeing (final) Time Machine Artifacts

Strategy Recommendations
